KIMA Gives Presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions at 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference  Korea International Medical Association Gives Presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions at 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference. 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference, hosted by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), was held on May 27. In order to engage in exchanges and facilitate a giant leap forward to be made with international healthcare projects, representatives of embassies in Korea, academics, experts from related institutions, international student supporters, and journalists, among others, participated in the event. Manager La Yun-ju from the Korea International Medical Association (KIMA) was invited as a speaker and gave a presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions, based on her experiences and achievements in the international healthcare projects in the past 10 years. There were additional presentations on various other topics such as the transfer of patients with funding from the UAE government, cooperation between Korea and Kazakhstan in healthcare services, and treatment cases of foreign patients at Korean hospitals.KIMA will continue contributing to the promotion of international healthcare projects.   +82-43-713-8997~9

KIMA Gives Presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions at 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference


KIMA Gives Presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions at 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference

June 23,2022


Korea International Medical Association Gives Presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions at 2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference.


2022 Medical Korea International Exchange Conference, hosted by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), was held on May 27. In order to engage in exchanges and facilitate a giant leap forward to be made with international healthcare projects, representatives of embassies in Korea, academics, experts from related institutions, international student supporters, and journalists, among others, participated in the event. 

Manager La Yun-ju from the Korea International Medical Association (KIMA) was invited as a speaker and gave a presentation on International Exchange and Promotional Activities of Korean Medical Institutions, based on her experiences and achievements in the international healthcare projects in the past 10 years. There were additional presentations on various other topics such as the transfer of patients with funding from the UAE government, cooperation between Korea and Kazakhstan in healthcare services, and treatment cases of foreign patients at Korean hospitals.

KIMA will continue contributing to the promotion of international healthcare projects. 





