American Doctor Receives Medical Training at Yesong Voice Center  Brian, a doctor from the United States, received medical training for a month from August 1 to 31 at the Yesong Voice Center. Training for foreign medical professionals is supervised by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and implemented at the Yesong Voice Center to help foreign medical professionals acquire advanced medical knowledge and skills and gain an understanding of medical services in Korea. Brian observed voice feminization surgery and laryngeal papilloma removal surgery during the training period. He learned about various voice management programs at the Yesong Voice Center, including voice checkups, which can objectively and professionally measure the vocal conditions of those who use their voices as part of their professions (actors, singers, teachers, announcers, etc.), as well as voice management and rehabilitation measures. After the training, he said, “I’m grateful for the opportunity to gain excellent medical skills, knowledge, and know-how of the Yesong Voice Center in Korea.” This medical training program is expected to promote Korea’s advanced medical technology and services to healthcare professionals in the United States, thereby helping to boost the quality of medical care and expanding the network. Since 2011, 18 trainees from 7 countries including the United States, Russia, Armenia, China, and the Philippines have completed training at the Yesong Voice Center. A plaque of appreciation was awarded to the center by the KHIDI for contributing to the globalization of Korean medical care.  +82-43-713-8997~9

American Doctor Receives Medical Training at Yesong Voice Center


American Doctor Receives Medical Training at Yesong Voice Center

October 4,2022


Brian, a doctor from the United States, received medical training for a month from August 1 to 31 at the Yesong Voice Center. 

Training for foreign medical professionals is supervised by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and implemented at the Yesong Voice Center to help foreign medical professionals acquire advanced medical knowledge and skills and gain an understanding of medical services in Korea. 

Brian observed voice feminization surgery and laryngeal papilloma removal surgery during the training period. He learned about various voice management programs at the Yesong Voice Center, including voice checkups, which can objectively and professionally measure the vocal conditions of those who use their voices as part of their professions (actors, singers, teachers, announcers, etc.), as well as voice management and rehabilitation measures. 

After the training, he said, “I’m grateful for the opportunity to gain excellent medical skills, knowledge, and know-how of the Yesong Voice Center in Korea.” 

This medical training program is expected to promote Korea’s advanced medical technology and services to healthcare professionals in the United States, thereby helping to boost the quality of medical care and expanding the network. 

Since 2011, 18 trainees from 7 countries including the United States, Russia, Armenia, China, and the Philippines have completed training at the Yesong Voice Center. A plaque of appreciation was awarded to the center by the KHIDI for contributing to the globalization of Korean medical care. 




