From 16th to 18th, Korean Intraoperative Neural Monitoring Society(KINMOS) where contribute to development of intraoperative neural monitoring field, hosted a symposium celebrating KINMOS’s foundation day in the main building of Korea University.
On the first day of the symposium (16th of Nov), Team of Dr. Kim Hoon Yup performed two different surgeries, robotic thyroid surgery and open surgery, on behalf of Korea University Thyroid Center. Especially Prof. Gregory Randolph of Harvard Medical School and Ralph Tufano of Johns Hopkins University watched the surgery and gave him a big applaud.
The audience was obsessively focusing on Dr. Kim’s hands and explanation. Hundreds of questions were constantly raised by the audience and his performance derived exclamation during the surgery. ‘Amazing’, ‘Perfect’ were the common words that people heard during his operation.
On the 17th day of the symposium, with Dr. Kim as the central figure, the workshop was successfully thrown debating protocols on animal testing. The specialists from the world actively practiced the newly-settled protocols for animal testing and learned the instructions.
On the last day of the symposium (18th of Nov), the professors and specialists gathered to discuss the trend of research and reviewed course of development. The discussion was very fiercely carried on with Prof. Tufano of Johns Hopkins University, Prof. Gianlorenzo Dionigi of The University of Insubria, Italy, Prof. Feng-Yu Chiang of Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, and Prof. Marcin Barczynski of Jagiellonian University in Polland attended. Pro.Kim, Executive director of KINMOS and Korea Univ. Anam Hospital said “It was a very meaningful chance that the world famous specialists were invited to this symposium and new technology was shared together. Furthermore, by hosting this symposium, Korean intraoperative neural monitoring symposium prestige soared.”