After researching ‘the survey for use status and satisfaction by oversea medical tourists who visited Korean medicine hospital’, the international clinic of Jaseng hospital announced the satisfaction about Korean Medicine treatment is over 90%. The relevant study was conducted in order to review the characteristics of 1733 international patients who first visit Jaseng from 2012 to 2015, conducted through the survey for electronic chart (EMR) analysis and oriental treatment satisfaction. The major patients groups cover their 40s~60s, they visited the hospital due to back and neck pain, received 5 treatments in average during their stay. The highest satisfactory treatment is known to be acupuncture and Herbal acupuncture.
Among the most satisfactory medical services, the professionalism and reliability of doctor were the highest with 73.1%, and in non–medical services, the service of coordinator and interpreter was the highest with 68.7%. As a result, 76.9% of the medical tourists who visited the clinic responded that their awareness of Korean medicine was improved.
Doctors in the international clinic of Jaseng can speak 3 languages (English, German, Russian) and it is possible to do medical treatment with patients without separate interpretation. It also provides instructions on taking medicines in its native language and also provides overseas delivery services so that you can take your medicine even when you return to your home country.