大韩皮肤科协会 正会员
毛孔治疗论文:Treatm ent of dilated p ores with 1410-nm fractional erbium-doped fiver laser(Laser Med Sci,2015)
多汗症论文: The effiacacy of a microwave device for treating axillary hyperhidrosis and osmidrosis in Asians: a prelim inary study(Journal of Cosm etic and laser Therap y,2013)
热玛吉论文: Monopolar radio-frequency treatment in Asian skin: A questionnaire-based study(Jo urnal of Cosm etic and Laser Therap y,2011)
毛孔治疗论文:Treatm ent of dilated p ores with 1410-nm fractional erbium-doped fiver laser(Laser Med Sci,2015)
多汗症论文: The effiacacy of a microwave device for treating axillary hyperhidrosis and osmidrosis in Asians: a prelim inary study(Journal of Cosm etic and laser Therap y,2013)
热玛吉论文: Monopolar radio-frequency treatment in Asian skin: A questionnaire-based study(Jo urnal of Cosm etic and Laser Therap y,2011)