Dr. Song, Sang-Ho, OS, Wellton Hospital Dr. Song is one of the best specialists in the arthroplasty, who successfully performed over 10 thousand cases a year in the newly opened Wellton Hospital, previously known as Gangseo Jeil Hospital until August, 2009. He has a specialized skill called a ‘minimal incision technique’, which has been recognized not only in the nation but also overseas. The Wellton hospital has established new paradigm; warm emotion, caring mind, and painless arthroplasty with the aim to get authorized by one of the cutting edge hospitals in the globe.The Wellton hospital was nominated as a main education center in the Asia Pacific region, and has held multiple kinds of medical training programs for Chinese, Vietnamese, and Myanmarese, and Malaysian Surgeons. It resulted in spreading Korean medical technology as well as building friendships. The Wellton hospital keeps exchanging the up to date medical knowledge with Japan and USA. Furthermore, the MOU has been completed with the Wellton hospital and regional hospitals located in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and Russia as the Wellton has focused thoroughly on expanding the global networks and improving its brand awareness in the medical tourism field.‘Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement Surgery’ reduces the size of the incision from 15~20cm to 8~10cm. It minimized unnecessary damage to muscles and ligaments, thereby decreasing post-surgery pain and bleeding, and leaving smaller scars. The operation time usually takes about one hour. Patients can start the first ambulation after 4 hours from the surgery. Also, no other kinds of additional equipment are required for walking from the 6th day. That’s the main reason why thousands of patients would love to have it done for their hips.Among multiple types of replacement surgeries, the hip replacement surgery is a high risk operation as it can cause possible risks during the anesthesia and poses some complications. However, MIS minimizes the risk of dislocation, one of the major complications from the surgeryFurthermore, the Wellton hospital runs the Arthroplasty Center and helps patients to have them recovered fast and supported by the customized and individualized medical service facilitated by its defined health system. It has been discovered by the ‘Evaluation Report on Treatment in Korea, 2013’ that the Wellton hospital has performed the most number of hip replacement surgeries in Korean in 2013. This eye-catching records are the results in the Wellton’s medical competitiveness in the special surgical technology as well as its comprehensive link to the rehab programs. +82-43-713-8997~9 kimakorea@khidi.or.kr

Dr. Song, Sang-Ho, OS, Wellton Hospital


Dr. Song, Sang-Ho, OS, Wellton Hospital

May 8,2014

monthly_doctor_05 Dr. Song is one of the best specialists in the arthroplasty, who successfully performed over 10 thousand cases a year in the newly opened Wellton Hospital, previously known as Gangseo Jeil Hospital until August, 2009. He has a specialized skill called a ‘minimal incision technique’, which has been recognized not only in the nation but also overseas. The Wellton hospital has established new paradigm; warm emotion, caring mind, and painless arthroplasty with the aim to get authorized by one of the cutting edge hospitals in the globe.

The Wellton hospital was nominated as a main education center in the Asia Pacific region, and has held multiple kinds of medical training programs for Chinese, Vietnamese, and Myanmarese, and Malaysian Surgeons. It resulted in spreading Korean medical technology as well as building friendships. The Wellton hospital keeps exchanging the up to date medical knowledge with Japan and USA. Furthermore, the MOU has been completed with the Wellton hospital and regional hospitals located in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and Russia as the Wellton has focused thoroughly on expanding the global networks and improving its brand awareness in the medical tourism field.

‘Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement Surgery’ reduces the size of the incision from 15~20cm to 8~10cm. It minimized unnecessary damage to muscles and ligaments, thereby decreasing post-surgery pain and bleeding, and leaving smaller scars. The operation time usually takes about one hour. Patients can start the first ambulation after 4 hours from the surgery. Also, no other kinds of additional equipment are required for walking from the 6th day. That’s the main reason why thousands of patients would love to have it done for their hips.

Among multiple types of replacement surgeries, the hip replacement surgery is a high risk operation as it can cause possible risks during the anesthesia and poses some complications. However, MIS minimizes the risk of dislocation, one of the major complications from the surgery

Furthermore, the Wellton hospital runs the Arthroplasty Center and helps patients to have them recovered fast and supported by the customized and individualized medical service facilitated by its defined health system. It has been discovered by the ‘Evaluation Report on Treatment in Korea, 2013’ that the Wellton hospital has performed the most number of hip replacement surgeries in Korean in 2013. This eye-catching records are the results in the Wellton’s medical competitiveness in the special surgical technology as well as its comprehensive link to the rehab programs.




